Everyday, when you wake up & turn on your phone, it will attach to the SGSN. During the attach procedure the following occur: 1.SIM Authentication (MS-SGSN-HLR) To check that you are a subscribed user. 2.Location Update (MS-SGSN-HLR), To let the PS know your Location. After attach, The Phone & SGSN create an association which is called MM (Mobility Management) btn each other. The MM Context is a set of parameters which mainly include: IMSI/MSISDN, Location Information & Authentication Key information. As you are on your way to office.You want to check if there is a new whatsapp message, You now turn on your data, The Phone will Activate PDP Context (Packet Data Protocol Context) btn MS-SGSN-GGSN to setup the link resources from MS to GGSN (include Radio & Core).Same as the attach procedure, after your phone activates PDP, Your phone, SGSN & GGSN will create a new association which is called PDP context between each other, the PDP context is a set of parameters which mainly include: Phone IP address Type – PDP Type, Phone IP address – PDP Address & Phone data services QoS – QoS. Once the a PDP creation is successful, then you can enjoy your Mobile Internet. #PerfectionIsANorm!
